Your Lawn is Our Business
Locally & Family Owned for Over 17 years.
4-Step Lawn Program
Step-1 Early Spring
The early spring application will enrich the soil, promote spring green-up and recovery from the winter season. Preventative crabgrass control is also included in this application. Broadleaf weed killer will be applied as weather and temperature allow.
Step-2 Spring
During this prime growing season, we will apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer blend to help promote root growth, color, vigor, and overall good health.
A second dose of crabgrass preventative and blanket application of broadleaf weed killer is also applied on this visit to rid the lawn of common weeds.
Step-3 Late Spring/Early Summer
This is our summer guard treatment which includes higher levels of potassium to help prepare your lawn for the summer months. Also, weed and insect control will be applied as needed unless specified otherwise.
Grub Preventative: If you requested it will be applied with this or the next application, depending on timing and weather conditions.
Step-4 Summer NOT Included in this program
Includes our summer root protection biostimulant, designed to help your lawn cope with the summer conditions as well as help aid in recovery, once the conditions are favorable. Also, weed, sedge, crabgrass, and insect control will be applied as needed, unless specified otherwise.
We will also be monitoring for Grub activity.
​Step-5 Late Summer/Early Fall
Includes our Fall fertilizer with iron and micronutrients to help recover any damage that may have occurred over the summer and to keep the lawn healthy going into fall. Weed, sedge, crabgrass, and insect controls have been applied as needed unless specified otherwise.
We will continue to monitor for Grub activity.
Step-6 Late Fall / Winterizer NOT Included in this program
This granular fertilizer application is one of the most beneficial applications of the year. It will winterize your lawn by helping with root development as your lawn goes into dormancy. It also aids in promoting an emerging healthy, green lawn the following spring.
Service Calls
We will be glad to stop by between normal visits if you have questions or concerns about your lawn.