Your Lawn is Our Business
Locally & Family Owned for Over 17 years.
A once a year, season-long control application. If requested this application will normally be applied with Step 3 or 4 and is guaranteed for the entire season. This product works by storing itself in the grass plant so that when the grubs begin to feed on the roots, they ingest it and consequently die. Although you may find a grub or two in your lawn, they will not survive or be able to do any damage.
Grub Preventative Treatment
What are Grubs?
Grubs are the larval (or worm) state of many types of beetles. The beetles lay their eggs in your lawn. The newly hatched worms work their way through the thatch and into the soil, where they feed on the roots of grass plants. Most beetles lay their eggs in mid to late summer and do their greatest damage during the fall months.
Out of sight...out of mind
Grubs live and feed in the soil. It’s easy to miss grubs as they gradually cut the roots out from under your lawn until brown patches begin to appear and they'’re finally discovered. If you suspect grubs, pull back the turf. If the lawn pulls up easily (like new sod), you may find white grubs in the top inch or so of the soil.
Don’t wait
It is always best to have the preventative applied. Once they begin to do their damage, they don’t disappear on their own. They will then need to be treated with a fast-acting curative, which is more costly than the preventative.