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Locally & Family Owned for Over 17 years.
Current Conditions Lawn Tips
Conditions are favorable for
Red Thread
Red Thread: Is a mild fungus caused by slowed growth along with wet and humid weather conditions. It often has a pink or reddish color to newly infected areas. Since it is only a foliar fungus, it will not damage the crown or roots of the plant.
Fertilizer applications will help aid the lawn to growing through this fungus. If you don't receive regular applications or if it has been over 5-6 weeks since fertilizer has been applied, you should consider having a high nitrogen fertilizer applied, as long as the weather cooperates.
Dollar Spot
Dollar spot: is another common foliar disease that occurs on most types of turf grasses. Dollar spot is most prevalent from late spring to early fall when high humidity and cool nights favor the formation of dew on the grass for extended periods and the temperature is most conducive for growth of the fungus.
In most instances the fertilizer we apply will help aid the lawn to grow through this disease. It is rare to have permanent damage from dollar spot.
Fungicide applications can be used to speed up the recovery process and protection for future breakouts. However the protection only last 2-3 weeks and fungicide applications can be costly.
Patch Diseases
What they are - Patch diseases are fungus caused by hot and humid weather, especially hot and muggy nights. When the turf stays moist all night long it creates prime conditions for fungal growth. Also, watering after the lawn is already starting to go dormant can also cause these problems. That is why it is important to start watering as soon as the first signs of stress appear.
What to do now - In most cases your normal fertilization treatments along with rain or watering, will help aid in the recovery. The grass plant must grow through the disease.
Mowing: Keep your mower height at 3" or taller and keep the blades nice and sharp.
Fungicide Applications: can be used to speed up the recovery process and protect for future breakout. However the protection only last 2-3 weeks and fungicide applications can be costly.
Watering: You want to water infrequently yet deeply, 1-3 days a week for 45min - 1 hr. in each area. Avoid watering with less than 2 hrs. of daylight left in the day and do not water at night.
Once the humidity settles down that will greatly decrease the chances of spreading or new infection.
Down the road - Having your lawn aerated every year or two will help reduce your chances of disease and fungus. It reduces soil compaction and your thatch layer, allows better water penetration, and air circulation.
Summer Watering
Now that the summer temps have arrived and the rain is unpredictable the lawn should be watered 1-3 times a week depending on rainfall. It’s best to water for longer periods at least 45min - 1hr in each area.
Our fertilizers will not burn your lawn if it is not watered. They are a slow release blend with a poly coating, which inhibits the breakdown and release of the nutrients until it has been water activated.